Genius: The Art of Taking Pains
All great works of art bear the same signs of genius.
Da Vinci’s Mona Lisa. Beethoven’s Ninth Symphony. Michaelangelo’s David. Spielberg’s Saving Private Ryan.
Each artist “took pains” and created something timeless and extraordinary.
Would “taking pains” make your business extraordinary?
Maybe you have a pretty good team.
Pretty good leads. Pretty good sales. Pretty good margins. Pretty good service. Pretty good customers.
For some people, “pretty good” is good enough.
You’re probably not one of those people though, are you?
Being “pretty good” is just eating away at you.
You know in your gut that your business has the potential to be extraordinary.
And you know that somehow, some way, you need to “take pains.”
But how?
Apples & Oranges? Or Apples & Horses?
Some problems are “Apples and Oranges” problems. And some are “Apples and Horses” problems.
Problems you can solve with a tweak here and a tweak there are “Apples & Oranges” problems.
“Ah, you’ve been using Apples in that recipe. Maybe you should try using Oranges instead.”
If your problem can be solved with a tweak, then you’ve probably already tried it.
When the tweaks aren’t working anymore, then you have an “Apples and Horses” problem.
And to fix it, you have to think about your problem in an entirely different way.
A Different Kind of Solution
All kinds of names have been used for learning a new way to think: “flow”, “sideways thinking”, “Zen.”
A lifetime of conditioning makes it hard to make the switch though.
That’s where our 9 Laws of Conversion Marketing can help.
Want to think differently about solving your gnarliest business problems? Download a copy of the 9 Laws and then work to apply them.
If will cause you to see with new eyes.
It is the first step on the road to “taking pains.”