We’ve Moved! New Office Space in Scottsdale, AZ

Hey everyone. The Conversion Marketing Experts team is moving up in more ways than one.

First, last Thursday at 7am, just before Memorial Day weekend launched, I and the other tenants at 8300 North Hayden Road were given notice to vacate the premises by the NEXT DAY!

Here’s our new address and phone number … (Yeah, porting it was not an option? Go figure.)

Check out this beautiful building where friendly human beings still answer phones and smile when you walk in to meet with us or attend one of our training programs or public workshops.

7047 E. Greenway Parkway, Suite 250
Scottsdale AZ 85254

(480) 993 – 1955

Why the rapid move? Not my choice, but we rolled with it.

Apparently, the owner and operator of our virtual office location in Scottsdale for many years now decided to move offshore and let us know by email. He made it clear “not to bother him” with our issues.

So, like any other entrepreneur running as fast as possible into change, I changed. I got online, contacted Regus and locked in a killer new office location for Conversion Marketing Experts! And it worked out great even though it cost us a bit of stress, time and money.

No big deal! We’re moving up.

We’ve also added two new “marketing partners” to the Conversion Marketing Experts team. Kasten Spethmann and Jack Heald are welcomed additions to our growing, “lean & mean” virtual marketing and business building team.

As if this wasn’t enough in recent weeks, we’re launching a new series of training programs and workshops to help you dial in better sales and marketing results.

Stay tuned.

By the way, have we talked about our “pay-for-performance” marketing compensation model yet?
If not, book a time to talk with me now because can you imagine what would happen to your sales and marketing results if you paid a real marketing expert for performance and do your part?

Contact me here.

We’ll do a quick “ROI strategy session” around your #1 marketing, sales and business goal.

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