The CMO Dilemma: How To Build And Lead A High Performance Digital Marketing Team

I started out launching this business as a business development consulting practice in 2003. I had previously sold a wealth management practice I had been building for the prior 12 years. Today, nearly 12 years after the fact, I am on a mission to write, teach and speak about how to build and lead a high performance digital marketing team.

Looking back over the years our “general” focus on business development morphed specifically into digital marketing, content and the heavy lifting of pioneers in the marketing automation world. (CRM + Email + Ecommerce + Websites + Landing pages + Content + Amazingly specialized, talented creative people working together.)

Hence, the CMO Dilemma I will be writing about in depth over the weeks ahead. Through this process I will reach to interview CMO’s in the trenches to ask four, critical questions…

1. What is your biggest focus strategically for digitalĀ  marketing in your organization for the year ahead?

2. What do you see as your biggest roadblock to achieving the vision and goals within?

3. How are you leading your team to breakthrough this road block and can you walk us through a brief example?

4. Lastly, on a scale of 1-10, 10 being off the charts, “Yes,” do you feel your CEO and management team “gets it” enough to appreciate your team’s talents thereby providing you all the necessary resources you need to get the job done?

Why is this so important to me and the team at Conversion Marketing Experts? First, I am an author and speaker. I invest in and build my own and other people’s companies. I am blessed to do what I do for a living!

And I am driven to make a difference organizationally because we are in the very same trenches with CMOs and the people on their teams all day long. We feel it is our duty and obligation to “tell it like it is” so that entire organizations can build, lead and transform entire organizations through the marketing and business development leadership.

I am not the only one posing this question. The topic of The CMO Dilemma has been studied, analyzed, discussed, and written about much. I am taking a more broad view and approach here, first. Where as Tony Zambito does a nice job of here of posing a killer question such as, “Who is my customer?”

Stay tuned for more to come here on the Conversion Marketing Experts blog. We always appreciate your comments questions and expertise here.

To your success and happiness!

About the Author

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