The 9 Laws of Conversion Marketing – How To Build & Launch Marketing Campaigns That Get Sales Results

In the weeks ahead we will be launching new courses to teach and empower you and your sales and marketing organizations how to build marketing campaigns that get better sales results. One of the training courses soon to come will be called, The 9 Laws of Conversion Marketing – How to Build & Launch Marketing Campaigns That Get Sales Results.

When it comes to the category of marketing known today as Conversion Marketing, the key to success from our point of view has to do with fundamental disciplines that have been in place, well, since the beginning of time in one fashion or another. It’s just that today the tools are different.

To begin our work with any new client we begin with a high level of discovery to ensure we are clear on vision, purpose, brand, team and more. It’s always essential for us to address the fundamentals of Conversion Marketing which is based on building and launching marketing campaigns that get measurable sales results. Imagine that. We keep score!

A trusted marketing adviser poses the question, “So when you and your marketing team meet to go over the analytics and results each week, what are you learning and how are you adapting?”

Customer who owns small business and wears many hats stares blankly, “Huh?”

Look, in the big leagues of marketing and sales results there are serious people investing serious billions of dollars on Google and all the other wonderful places to invest in traffic, engagement and conversions into your sales and marketing campaigns. They keep score at the highest level of the game called Business Intelligence.

Why aren’t small businesses doing this? The either don’t know the Laws of Conversion Marketing, yet or they don’t adhere to them. Either way, we all get to choose how disciplined and committed we remain when it comes to sales and marketing success.

We all need customers and capital to succeed in business. Sales and marketing is a process, not an event. It’s also the single most important investment you can make after people. The right people doing the right job aligned with your team and plan is fundamental. Next in line, your plan for sales and marketing and action you take.

There will be more to come on these laws and how to apply them to your business in ways that others have used them to completely transform their business, teams and lives.

Here are the 9 Laws of Conversion Marketing.

  1. The Law of Intention – Desire
  2. The Law of Purpose – Believe
  3. The Law of Vision – See
  4. The Law of Action – Do
  5. The Law of Alignment – Build
  6. The Law of Story – Brand, Sales & Marketing
  7. The Law of Systems – Repeat
  8. The Law of Accountability – Measure
  9. The Law of Adaptation – Learn

What are your “laws” for sales and marketing success in your small business? We always appreciate your comments and questions here on the Conversion Marketing Experts blog.

To your continued success!

About the Author

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