Tag Archives for " Social Media Marketing "

These Are the Marketing Experts Who Made the Pollsters Look Stupid

Who made the big pollsters look stupid on the 2016 U.S. Presidential election? Check out what I learned about the marketing experts who predicted the outcome of both Brexit and the recent, incredibly contentious, U.S. Presidential election. No matter who you wanted to win Brexit or the U.S. election, the evidence is clear; both elections […]

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The Power of LinkedIn for Thought Leadership & Content Marketing

Based on my recent experience plowing articles into the LinkedIn platform, these guys have raised the bar for people who find value in publishing thought leadership for content marketing. There is great power in using LinkedIn to publish your thought leadership. What is thought leadership and how does it relate to content marketing? It’s taking your […]

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Social Media Backlash – Rolling Stone Puts Boston Bomber on Cover

Are you a business owner who still does not understand all the “whoopla” about social media?  In less than 24 hours, one of the largest brands in the music and publishing industry has experienced, what in my opinion is, one of the fastest sweeping negative campaigns in years.  Over 100,000 Tweets (most negative), over 80,000 […]

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