Tag Archives for " Marketing Planning "

CEO’s, Business Owners: Ask These Seven, Dynamite Questions To Get High-ROI Sales and Marketing Results

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What does it take to get better sales and marketing results if you’re the CEO or business owner with your budget and money on the line? Knowledge. That’s what it takes to become a master of anything. What have you mastered? Probably the one thing you do best. What is it? If your #1 thing […]

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CEO’s, Business Owners Ask: “What do I get for my marketing budget?”

If you’re a CEO or business owner and you’re wondering what you get (for a return) on your marketing budget (investment) this post is for you. Where’s the ROI? What does it take to know what you get for your marketing budget? This is a common and very fair question for anyone cutting the checks […]

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This Marketing Manager’s Boss Really Asked Him, “What if you just cut out all the marketing expenses?”

Shocked Marketing Manager

I was having coffee with a couple of weeks ago with a high level marketing manager. He works for a major corporation based here in the Phoenix area. We occasionally talk meet to catch up and invariably, we trade marketing stories. Let’s call him Steve. Shortly after we settle in Steve says, “You’re never going […]

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Session 5 of 5: The CME Sales & Digital Marketing Action Plan (DMAP) Training

Welcome the session 5 of 5: a free training preview for business owners, CEO’s, sales and marketing leaders. This short series of training previews will help you … Develop a clear strategy and plan, get people focused on results and get the marketing job done so you produce the results that count for you. We […]

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CEO’s – Your Marketing People Need Your Love. Don’t Yell At Us!

When the CEO finally showed up four weeks late for the the weekly marketing performance review she asked her team with a hint of a shout or yell, “I want to know why we’re at the 60-day mark and all of this stuff isn’t done. How come my people can’t do this faster? Where’s the […]

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The Power of Focus On Content Marketing Success

Every day we meet the most amazing, dynamic, creative entrepreneurs, marketing leaders and well-intended CEOs tagging along for the digital ride. (They have enough on their plates. We focus on helping them learn the guiding questions to ask as the visionary leader, not be too involved in the day-to-day marketing execution, ideally.) It’s a labor […]

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