Small Business Marketing Success Series. Closing The Sales and Marketing Gap, Part 1

Small Business Marketing Success Series

Closing The Sales and Marketing Gap, Part 1- Small Business Success Made Simple

Welcome to the first in a nine-part series entitled, Closing The Sales and Marketing Gap, Part 1- Small Business Marketing Success Made Simple

Have you ever met a business owner who was sick and tired of investing her hard-earned money on small business marketing campaigns that just didn’t pay off?

How about someone who wants desperately to generate more new leads and close more new business, but just couldn’t figure out a way to do so within their monthly budget for small business marketing?

If you’re like most small business owners, chances are you know exactly what I mean. It’s hard enough to do what you do best. And when it comes to succeeding with sales and small business marketing, you need to know how to get results within your budget or find someone who does.

Otherwise, what are the chances that any business will remain intact for long, without the necessary sales and marketing disciplines working in such a way that meaningful results drive the ongoing success of the business? Slim to none.

Closing The Sales and Marketing Gap is a nine-part series created for business owners, CEOs, entrepreneurs and self employed professionals.

My goal is to help you drive small business marketing success. Each week I will share a new segment with you to help you…

1. Ask the essential questions you need to ask to get results.

2. Understand the dynamics that make the biggest impact.

3. Develop crystal-clear strategy to drive new sales and marketing ROI.

4. Implement tactics within your budget that drive measurable results.

Part 1 in this series addresses fifteen essential questions you need to ask yourself. Remember, you don’t work in a silo and you can only grow your business so far working alone.

The reason asking these questions is so important is you should be doing so, and the rest of this process, with your sales and marketing consultant, business coach and internal team, if you have one.

If you do work on your own, perhaps it’s time to consider taking these questions to someone who can add some serious value when it comes to small business marketing success. Work only with professionals who have a proven track record of success in sales and marketing. Otherwise, why invest your time and your hard-earned money?

Here are the fifteen essential questions to ask when it comes to the first part of our series …

1.    What is your business purpose? (Describe your business.)

2.    How long have you been in business?

3.    Please describe your current team for sales, marketing, customer service and administration.

4.    What is your current annual sales volume?

5.    What is the current sales trend for the trailing 12 months?

6.    What is your current monthly investment in marketing?

7.    What is your current monthly investment in direct sales?

8.    What are your top 3 business goals in next 12 months?

9.    What do you feel is your biggest challenge right now?

10.    What has been your experience working with sales and marketing consultants in the past?

11.    How effective are you as a sales and marketing leader?

12.    Do you feel your sales and marketing strategy is clearly defined for your team?

13.     Is your business profitable? If not, why is this so?

14.    How committed are you to building your business?

15.    What is your exit strategy, if you have one?

Keep notes and begin to build your own version of a sales and marketing plan of action. Watch the video as see how I walk you through this step of the process.

We always welcome your questions and comments here on the Conversion Marketing Experts blog.

Here’s to your success!

About the Author

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Tina Tegano Rogers Reply

Love your 15 questions Cliff! It amazes me how many people don't ask themselves these questions when starting a small business. Keep up the great work you do!

Tina Tegano Rogers Reply

Love your 15 questions Cliff! It amazes me how many people don’t ask themselves these questions when starting a small business. Keep up the great work you do!

    Clifford Jones Reply

    Thanks, Tina. Yes, asking the “big” questions are so important. When you guys do your vision work you reinforce the power of taking the time to really reflect on the big questions to get results that are meaningful, in business and in life. Inextricably linked!

Clifford Jones Reply

Thanks, Tina. Yes, asking the "big" questions are so important. When you guys do your vision work you reinforce the power of taking the time to really reflect on the big questions to get results that are meaningful, in business and in life. Inextricably linked!

Small Business Marketing Success. Closing The Sales and … | Lead Finder Software Pro News Blog Reply

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How To Close The Small Business Sales and Marketing Success Gap-Part 4 Reply

[…] If you haven’t had the opportunity to check out the first 3 segments, you can find the first article here. […]

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