Meet the Ultimate Customer Relationship Management System

This post is about a man who I met at a local coffee shop because our dogs bonded. I call him the Ultimate Customer Relationship Manager because of how he runs his businesses and because of who he is as a man.

Jim Packard is truly a master of building relationships. He's passionate about helping people. And he's built several successful businesses, including the one he currently operates which has roughly 16,000 representatives and 40,000 customers. That's no typo. It's a big, small business and Jim radiates with joy because like me, he loves his work.

Jim owns Rainmaker Marketing and he lives only a few miles from my home in the Scottsdale area. We've become good friends because we both share a passion for being entrepreneurs and making a difference in people's lives. Now, let me get to the point.

Jim introduced me to his greeting card system several months ago after we met at the coffee shop. After our first meeting he sent me a personal note card. Then we met again. Then he sent me another personal note and I asked him how he does it. Then he showed me. And I started using it. Guess what happened? My ability to build and maintain relationships went through the roof.

Here's one example. It's an email I received just the other day from a fellow entrepreneur who I've come to know and like very much. Mike also owns several successful businesses and we have worked on a few projects together. This is the email he sent me after receiving a personal note card I customized and sent to him just to tell him that I am grateful to know him...

"Okay, this card that you sent out is amazing! I showed it to everyone at the office and told them how we could all learn something from this example of yours. I have never had anyone send me something like this with such a sincere message." - Mike

So you can see how meaningful my note was to Mike. I didn't do it to sell him anything. I did because I really like the guy and wanted to tell him I appreciate him. Something so small, a personal note, can make a huge difference. Does this surprise you?

Why don't we send personal notes anymore the way we used to? My mother and father pounded me, my sister and brother on the importance of writing personal thank you notes for EVERYTHING! If we didn't write thank you notes for gifts received, etc. we'd be reprimanded and told how important this is. As I got older, I got kind of lazy. As I got into marketing automation and all the content marketing and digital happiness we do today for our clients, I got even more behind the curve on writing and sending personal thank you notes and greeting cards for various events and occasions.

After Jim showed me how to use his system all that changed. Now I have his system mapped into my marketing automation system and we're just getting warmed up with personal notes and greeting cards as a standard operating procedure for Conversion Marketing Experts. Heck, I even use it for my personal, non-business stuff.

Jim has such an amazing story that I decided to interview him and let him share his passion directly with you. I hope you enjoy the video interview. Now you know more about what I consider to be the ultimate customer relationship management system: the power of a personal note combined with your current sales and marketing practices.

I always appreciate your feedback, questions and comments here on our blog.

To your continued success and happiness.

About the Author

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