Infusionsoft Consultant-The Power of Owning Your Sales and Marketing Strategy

Infusionsoft Consultant-Own Your Sales and Marketing Strategy

As an Infusionsoft consultant I get the privilege of working with amazing, motivated and successful small business owners from all over the world.

I’ve been a certified Infusionsoft consultant since 2008. Just so you know the background, back in 2007 or so I was shopping for a new solution for my sales and marketing consulting business. I stumbled onto Infusionsoft. I test drove it way back then. I loved it and started sharing it with my clients. They found it be a highly-useful application for their businesses. The rest is history.

I share this background with you because it leads to the point of my video. Overall success in business is never, yes never, about the software we use in business. (Sorry Infusionsoft. You know I love you!) It’s about sales and marketing strategy powered by amazing tools like Infusionsoft.

I believed it when I found Infusionsoft years ago. And I believe it now more than ever.

Success in your business is about having a crystal-clear sales and marketing strategy. How do I know this to be true?

Because I built and sold three businesses over a twelve year period before there really was an Internet the way we know it today. (What? You mean people actually built businesses before the Internet when we had all these killer tools and systems like Infusionsoft? Yes.)

The truth about Infusionsoft, as I reveal in my somewhat lengthy video, is that Infusionsoft is a killer tool. It alone won’t help you succeed in business unless you map your sales and marketing strategy into the system. Short of doing this, you have one amazing software tool at your disposal.

I can’t overstate the power of small business owners needing to own their sales and marketing strategy. Yet, your sales and marketing strategy needs to be powered by the right systems and people.


How’s that for emphasis?

Check out my video and see in action a sales and marketing strategy map that demonstrates a real example of the power of great strategy.

How do you feel about your current sales and marketing strategy? We always appreciate your comments and questions on the blog.

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About the Author

Leave a Reply 4 comments

Jonathan Khorsandi Reply

thanks for the great insights and call to action.

Jonathan Khorsandi Reply

thanks for the great insights and call to action.

Clifford Jones Reply

Hi Jonathan. Thanks for your comment and positive reinforcement of our mission. You walk the walk!

Clifford Jones Reply

Hi Jonathan. Thanks for your comment and positive reinforcement of our mission. You walk the walk!

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