Frustrated With Infusionsoft Sales and Marketing Automation Software?

Are you a frustrated Infusionsoft customer? If so, regardless of the software you use for sales and marketing automation, you will have frustrations.

This post is not about hammering or defending Infusionsoft. In the interest of full disclosure, it is well known that I have been a certified consultant with Infusionsoft since 2008. I had purchased the software for my marketing consulting business. After building it out for myself I started showing it to some of my clients. A few liked what I showed them enough to invest in it. The rest is history.

My team of conversion marketing experts and I have worked directly with literally hundreds of Infusionsoft customers over the years. In 2010, I personally worked with over 110 Infusionsoft customers. That was a serious learning curve year!

Over the weeks and months ahead you will see Conversion Marketing Experts make a bit of a shift to bring you more in depth insights, interviews, recommendations, reviews and more regarding many software and related tools to help you impact your sales and marketing results.

Infusionsoft customers who are frustrated are no different from any other customer who invests in software. The simple truth is the software is seldom the real source of underlying frustration. It’s bigger than this. And I will tell you why.

1. The more informed a decision maker is when investing in software or anything else, the more likely it is they will make decisions that lead to success measured in terms of the sales and marketing metrics you place as priorities. Most software buyers, especially at the small business level or terribly misinformed. This is the source of frustration.

Why? Picture this as one example. You own a business. You attend a seminar. The guru from the stage tells you about this great software. After a 42-minute pitch fest you sprint to the back of the room competing as if you were in the running of the bulls festival. You buy the software on your credit card and are told with a big smile that you will be happy. This happens with real estate, the investment world and tons of other non-software businesses. Making uninformed buying decisions is expensive and frustrating.

2. No sales, marketing or any other piece of software will make up for bad business strategy, lame content, or people who shouldn’t be on “the bus” in the first place because they don’t really know what they’re doing. Yet, each and every day we get calls and emails telling us that Infusionsoft, WordPress, Salesforce, Microsoft and any other tech company you can think of is causing them frustration. You have to have a great strategy and the right team of people to get the job done. The software is just a tool.

3. Product, process and people. These are the three big factors driving business success. Given killer products, sound process to deliver the goods and great people to make it all happen, chances are you will be less frustrated when implementing Infusionsoft or any other technology to be integrated into your business. Invest in the implementation of the software for real and it will dramatically improve your probability of success. Again though, no software will make up for weak product, lame process and people who don’t know what they are doing.

4. Content. Every single day the low hanging fruit in fixing any marketing campaign is your content. The quality of your content, the relevancy, the frequency, the power of your offers all drive engagement, clicks, calls, and conversions to customers. Most content we see stinks. And that is not the software’s fault nor the guy from the stage who sold you the software, silly.

The reality of being happy with sales and marketing automation software like Infusionsoft, Hubspot, Act-On, Marketo, Constant Contact, Salesforce, etc. is knowing how to make informed decisions before you pull the trigger. Once you do, you must budget the time and money to really coach and train you and your team to use the system as it should be used so it supports the successful outcome of your sales and marketing campaigns in a meaningful way.

None of this is easy. We all must climb a constant learning curve with Infusionsoft and all the other amazing sales and marketing technologies most of us take for granted. Constantly. (Think about what it was like to build a business before the Internet, email, chat, and all the other killer tools we have at our fingertips. Again, we take all this for granted! Don’t. Be grateful and get your head in the game. Work with real pros.)

In closing, let me ask you this … if you are frustrated with Infusionsoft or any other sales and marketing specific software, why?

Is it really the software or is it more about you and your team climbing the learning curve so you have a much better shot at getting an ROI out of your Infusionsoft investment? What would it mean to have really experienced talent help you succeed? Are you that committed?

Stay tuned here because over the weeks and months ahead we are going to take a deeper dive into teaching you about the ins and outs of all kinds of technologies including Infusionsoft, Salesforce, Hubspot, Act-On, and many, many more.

We always appreciate your comments and questions here on the Conversion Marketing Experts blog.

To your success!

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