Einstein’s Miracle Cure for Marketing Malaise

Albert Einstein, Marketing Genius?

And if you will learn to apply Einstein’s Miracle Cure, you will see stunning improvements in your marketing performance.

Lemme ‘splain.

Einstein's Miracle Cure for Marketing MalaiseDo things like this ever happen in your business?

  1. You shade the truth a little in your marketing. You exaggerate a bit. Not outright lies, just a little fudging. You know it, your team knows it, and you hope your customers never find out about it.
  2. There’s friction within your team. Not the kind of friction that happens when creative, motivated people bang heads together.
    I’m talking about the kind of friction that tears down morale, slows down work and makes people dread coming into the office.
  3. You have customers who you’d like to fire. You know the kind. Unreasonable, impossible to please, they buy very little and consume way more time, energy and money than they are worth. If they were an employee, you’d fire them.

Each symptom has the same root cause.

And Einstein’s Miracle Cure is the solution.

Stop now and listen to three short stories. These will help you understand the root cause of your issues and the miracle cure for each.

Einstein’s Address

Einstein took a cab home from work one day. Once in the cab, he realized that he had forgotten his home address. Einstein asked the driver, “Do you know where Professor Einstein lives? Do you know his address?” The driver said “Everyone in Princeton knows Einstein’s address. Do you want to meet him?” Einstein replied, “Actually, I am Einstein. I forgot my home address. Can you take me there?”

The driver drove him home and – as the story goes – did not even charge him for the trip.

Einstein’s Appearance

Einstein’s wife tried to get him to dress more professionally when he headed off to work. “Why should I?” he would argue. “Everyone knows me there.”

When the time came for Einstein to attend his first major conference, she begged him to dress up a bit. “Why should I?” asked Einstein. “No one knows me there.”

Einstein’s Ticket

Einstein was traveling on a train when the conductor came down the aisle. hen he got to Einstein, the genius professor couldn’t find his ticket. The conductor said, “Dr. Einstein, everyone knows who you are. I’m sure you bought a ticket. Don’t worry about it.” The conductor continued down the aisle punching tickets.

In a few moments, the conductor turned around to see the great physicist down on the floor on hands and knees looking for his ticket. He rushed back and said, “Dr. Einstein, don’t worry about it. Everyone knows who you are. You don’t need to show me your ticket. I’m sure you bought one.”

Einstein looked up at him and said, “Young man, I too, know who I am. What I do not know is – where am I going?”

Root Cause Analysis

Did you catch it?

The root cause of your problem is simple:

You don’t really know who you are.
(“You” in this case means “The Business.”)

And what is Einstein’s Miracle Cure?

You gotta know exactly who you are.

Weird, right?

Stick with me while I explain and it will begin to make sense.

Einstein’s Miracle Cure for “Shading the Truth”

Presenting yourself as “better” than you really are actually hurts your brand and definitely attracts the wrong sorts of people.

Einstein knew that his highest purpose was to make the best use of his mind.

His contribution to the world was his creative and original mind. Not his appearance. He didn’t want to dress up, and – because he knew exactly who he was – he knew it didn’t matter how he dressed. Einstein made no effort to present himself as anything other than who he was.

Was it “unprofessional”?

Did it matter?
Not in the slightest.

Radical self-acceptance and radical honesty will repel potential “problem” customers and “problem” employees as well.

Einstein’s Miracle Cure for Hiding Your Flaws

Pretending your business has no flaws hurts your brand and dehumanizes you.

Einstein was the prototype of the  absent-minded professor. He was bad at things that “normal” people take for granted – like remembering his own address. Yet he refused to hide his flaws. He accepted them, acknowledged them, asked for help – and he usually got it. These so-called “flaws” actually made Einstein seem more human, and served to strengthen his personal “brand.”

Those “flaws” you are so eager to hide can actually strengthen your own brand and increase customer loyalty.

Know who you are – know what your unique contribution to the world is – and don’t pretend to be more “together” than you are.

Einstein’s Miracle Cure for Problem People

Knowing where you are going without knowing who you are is a strategy for attracting problems, not solving them.

Traditional marketing solutions focus on “where you are going” and “how to get there.”

Yet the root cause of most business struggles is a lack of self-knowledge.

Trying to run a successful business without the certain knowledge of who you are is like driving a car that is out of alignment. It’s hard to steer, the tires and brakes wear out too fast, and weird things keep going wrong. Yet all the problems could be fixed with a simple $70 alignment.

Don’t get me wrong – knowing where you are going is important.

Just not nearly as important as knowing who you are.

If your business is in need of an alignment, we can help. Conversion Marketing Experts has a proven, repeatable process for getting your message aligned with your purpose, your people aligned with your message, and your technology aligned with everything.  Contact us to schedule a free 30-minute consultation.

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