Did This Marketing Expert Create the Ultimate Sales and Digital Marketing Action Plan?

Have you given up on marketing experts and trying to get sales results? If so, there’s hope.

This article is about what I consider to be the ultimate, sales and marketing action plan because I created it myself almost 30 years ago. Today, my ultimate sales and Digital Marketing Action Plan looks a lot different because it’s digital and way easier to learn and use.

My father used to tell me, “Clifford, you’re a legend in your own mind.” And I believed him, even though I learned what happens when I get overconfident. As a young man, I worked for big companies as a marketing and sales executive but I knew all along that one day, I’d be as cool as my dad and build the small business and life of my dreams.

Today, I’m a self-proclaimed “marketing expert” only because I want to represent a category of marketing that is about sales results and return on investment, ROI. That’s why I built the small business and life of my dreams. At Conversion Marketing Experts we teach and coach CEO’s and successful business owners, and their people, how to get better sales and digital marketing results using a proven sales and Digital Marketing Action Plan.

Just so you know, the phrase “marketing expert” simply means I may know a thing or two more than you. I do not have all the answers. I don’t want to appear “cocky.” What I have to offer the world is 30 years of front-line sales, marketing, leadership, management and tech skills. Plus … a killer action planning system that gets results when people use it! (Yeah, I can’t provide the desire or discipline. This is not for wimps.)

Now, about you …

What’s Your Plan?

How’s your business, sales and marketing plan looking right about now? Do you have one so you and your entire team KNOW you’re all going to the same place? To get that “One Thing” you really need or want for your business?

I’m here to share a video preview to the single-most important tool for success in my own business and hundreds of others: a simple sales and marketing action plan. A Digital Marketing Action Plan that helps you and your people get SALES results.

Disclosure: I am first and foremost a salesperson, coach, trainer and recruiter with nearly 30 years of experience. I got so frustrated dealing with marketing experts that I decided to learn digital marketing for the purposes of driving my own SALES RESULTS, post 2006, when the Internet became essential for being in business. Yes, brand is great. But we don’t eat brand for breakfast. And if you or I don’t know digital marketing, how to put it together with sales results, we definitely won’t compete as well, if at all. (How you market and sell determines your paycheck every month.)

Here’s the good news: my Digital Marketing Action Planning system is ALMOST ready for the masses. But, I’m ready to tell you about DMAP right now. (Yes, I wouldn’t be doing my marketing job if I couldn’t put a special spin on what I consider to be the ultimate sales and marketing action plan.)

Curious By Nature?

How do you feel about all the marketing experts you’ve met so far? Probably like me – you’re wondering how the heck some of these disasters happen. And you’re wondering how all this can be so maddening, expensive and sometimes unsuspectingly disastrous for small business owners.

Here’s the truth about being in business and making sense of digital marketing and sales …

  1. Owning a small business is insane.
  2. Marketing and sales are insane.
  3. Technology is insane.
  4. Some people are insane, then we hire them.
  5. Success action planning can END insanity. (Confidence, clarity, focus.)

Our sales and digital marketing action planning system is the best way I could end the insanity I felt in my own business and life. The system grew by testing over many years. About 8 years ago I rebuilt the whole thing. Now I’m on a daily mission to teach, coach and improve the sales and digital marketing results for others.

How Not To Get Screwed In Digital Marketing

This may not make you feel better, but if you’ve been screwed in marketing or sales, multiply that by 100 for me. My world – sales, social selling, lead gen, sales coaching, and digital marketing – is like being in the movie Blunt Force Trauma, only I don’t get to wear a bullet proof vest.

I’ve got the bullet wounds to show for it. But my pain, mistakes and everything I’ve learned might help you and your people KNOW what you DON’T KNOW, yet. This might mean you have more fun at work because there is less stress and insanity.

How do you prevent yourself from going insane making sales, marketing and tech work?

That’s what this video is about … an introduction to my sales and digital marketing action planning system.

I started using the original version of the DMAP on paper. Now, almost 30 years later I use my DMAP system every day for my businesses. It’s digital. It’s online. It’s shared by the entire team of sales and marketing people who plug into the business owner or CEO to give him or her the sales and digital marketing ROI Dashboard they need to see.

We teach and coach this system because we want you to KNOW what you DON’T KNOW about getting sales by generating better conversion marketing results.

The DMAP is based on The 9 Laws of Conversion Marketing; consider these to be the “Pillars of Profit” for every business when it comes to your written business, sales and marketing plan. You’ll learn more in my videos and upcoming blog posts.

The DMAP is a written, digital business, sales and digital marketing plan that lays out nearly 100, powerful “discovery” questions broken down into 14 action planning segments. We teach you and your team what you need to know so you can get better sales and marketing results.

Can You Know What You Don’t Know?

How do you get to know what you don’t know? Simple.

First, be willing to do what it takes to get what you want for your business, your life. Know you don’t know and do something about it!

Next, find a Pathfinder you can trust. A Pathfinder is a person who has been where you want to go. You respect and trust them because of their reputation and track record. Your Pathfinder in sales and digital marketing knows all the trails. He or she will be wary of the dangerous shortcuts that may be tempting, but deadly to you.

A Pathfinder knows where the “bad guys” hide out, even though you’re never really safe. True digital marketing leaders, Pathfinders, today possess sales mastery, marketing mastery, people mastery and technology mastery. This is how much they cost in the real world. We deliver a solution for digital marketing management that costs up to 80% less.

How could having the right Pathfinder for sales and digital marketing help you and your people? What would your business and your life look like if you KNEW SOONER more of the questions you don’t know now about getting better sales and marketing results?

This video is just the beginning of what I consider to be the ultimate sales and digital marketing action plan.

Watch the video only IF you have NOT GIVEN UP on your marketing and sales people, the technologies that can and do serve us well, and getting the sales and marketing results you want.

Thanks for reading my post and sharing your comments, questions and suggestions below.


  • Video 2
  • Video 3
  • Video 4
  • Video 5

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[…] disasters – if and when they happen – those you can handle. For all the rest, build your marketing action plan so watertight, and so bulletproof, that it cannot be sunk or shot down by anything you might […]

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