How To Close The Small Business Sales and Marketing Success Gap-Part 2

Small Business Sales and Marketing Success

When it comes to your success with small business sales and marketing, it’s all about discipline. Luck certainly plays a role. But don’t count on “getting lucky” when it comes to successfully growing your business.

Persistence. Tenacity. Vision. Willingness. And sheer determination is what drives successful business owners.

We are willing to invest in sales and marketing in order to achieve success. We build sales and marketing campaigns. We launch them. We measure results. We learn. And we adapt like crazy to always raise the bar.

In this second segment of the nine-part series, I delve into the realm of helping you target new business. I take you into my personal Infusionsoft sales and marketing automation engine (secret weapon that’s not so secret any more) and reveal the top twenty-five most important questions my team and I believe you should ask yourself.

Just in case you don’t have time to watch my award-winning video (not), here’s the list of the questions that are essential to targeting new business in your quest to close your sales and marketing success gap.

1. What problem do you solve for your customers?

2. What do you do best?

3. Who is your ideal customer? (Gender, income, location, profession, psychographic, etc.)

4. How big is your current list of customers, leads, prospects, centers of influence, etc?

5. How is your current list segmented, if at all?

6. Top questions your prospects and customers ask you?

7. What benefits do customers seek? (What do they really want?)

8. Why do customers do business with you?

9. What are the common misconceptions about your industry overall?

10. What are the top mistakes people make when choosing a provider in your industry?

11. Who are your top competitors and why?

12. What are their strengths and weaknesses?

13. What guarantees do you offer and how does this compare to competitors?

14. What are the biggest objections you get from prospects?

15. When you lose business, why do you lose it?

16. Are there any questions you hope prospects never ask you before doing business?

17. What else can you identify as essential to know about your target market?

18. How is your sales team structured today?

19. What is your sales process, succinctly? (How does it match your prospect’s buying process?)

20. Do you have clearly defined sales goals reviewed weekly?

21. Is your sales team held accountable for weekly activities?

22. Are all activities tracked through your CRM system?

23. What is your sales compensation model?

24. What is your sales management and coaching structure?

25. Do you have a written sales and marketing action plan in place?

I suggest you start a simple planning document to integrate the series of questions for each of the nine segments. In the end you’ll have in your hands a template for one of the most powerful sales and marketing success action plans we’ve ever seen. (It’s mine. So of course, I am biased.)

We always appreciate your comments, questions and suggestions on the Conversion Marketing Experts, LLC blog.

To your success!


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